Medical Practitioners (Vocational Training) Regulations (Northern Ireland) 1998

Appeal bodies

14.—(1) An appeal under regulation 13 shall be determined by an appeal body appointed by the Department.

(2) The Department may appoint—

(a)a separate appeal body to determine each appeal as it arises (in which case it shall be appointed on receipt of the notice of appeal); or

(b)a single appeal body to determine all appeals;

and in the case of an appeal body falling within sub-paragraph (b) it may with effect from a specified date rescind the appointment and appoint a differently constituted appeal body.

(3) An appeal body shall consist of four persons of whom—

(a)one shall be a legally qualified person who shall be appointed to be the Chairman;

(b)one shall be nominated by the Northern Ireland Faculty of the Royal College of General Practitioners;

(c)one shall be nominated by the General Medical Services Committee of the Northern Ireland Branch of the British Medical Association; and

(d)one shall be a practitioner of consultant status employed in clinical practice by a Health and Social Services Board which provides substantial facilities for undergraduate or postgraduate clinical training and who is nominated by the Northern Ireland Branch of the British Medical Association.

(4) Any nomination for the purposes of paragraph (3) may be made either specially or generally.

(5) The Department shall appoint a person to act as secretary of the appeal body and may appoint such other officers as it considers necessary.