
Part IIPrinciples of Construction and Manner of Use of Measuring Equipment for Liquid Fuel

Display of information to the buyer

6.—(1) Subject to paragraphs (2) and (3), all measuring equipment which forms part of a fixed installation shall be so positioned that a buyer may readily obtain a clear unobstructed view—

(a)of all the operations carried out by any other person using the equipment to measure the liquid fuel being supplied to the buyer; and

(b)of any device on the equipment which is designed to indicate to the buyer the quantity supplied or the amount payable or that delivery is being effected.

(2) Paragraph (1) shall not apply to any equipment for use only for measuring kerosene except where the equipment is—

(a)situated on premises where petrol is sold; or

(b)used for measuring kerosene in the course of delivery into the fuel tanks of vehicles.

(3) Paragraph (1) shall not apply to any equipment normally used for the measurement of lubricants in the absence of the buyer.

(4) Any indication on measuring equipment referring in metric units of measurement to the quantity of liquid fuel supplied may be accompanied by a supplementary indication.