
Duties of Boards of Governors

7.—(1) It shall be the duty of the Board of Governors of every school to make arrangements as follows—

(a)any other educational records relating to a pupil (including a teacher’s record) which are kept at the school in addition to the pupil’s formative record of progress and achievement shall be as liable to disclosure or transfer to, and to a copy thereof being supplied to, the parent of the pupil, the pupil himself where he is aged 16 or more, or the responsible person, and to amendment upon notice being given by the pupil where he is aged 16 or more or his parent, as if they formed part of the pupil’s formative record of progress and achievement; and

(b)a statement of the arrangements made in pursuance of regulation 6 (other than regulation 6(1)(a)) and this regulation is kept and available for inspection free of charge at all reasonable times by an entitled person or a responsible person.

(2) The duties under paragraph (1)(a) of a Board of Governors of a school shall extend to any educational records kept in respect of—

(a)pupils at a nursery school; and

(b)pupils at a primary school or a special school who have not attained the lower limit of compulsory school age,

notwithstanding that a formative record of progress and achievement is not held in respect of such pupils.

(3) In paragraph (1) “teacher’s record” means any record kept at the school by a teacher other than a record kept and intended to be kept solely for that teacher’s own use.