The Social Security (Jamaica) Order (Northern Ireland) 1997

Article 12

Miscellaneous Provisions

(1) Any claim or appeal to the competent authorities of the territory in which a person resides but proper to the competent authorities of the other Party shall be endorsed with the date of its receipt and sent to the competent authorities of the other Party.

(2) The competent authority of one Party shall obtain, where necessary, from the competent authority of the other Party, any declaration or other information which may be required concerning any person for the purpose of the application of the Convention.

(3) Where a competent authority of one Party is unable to collect contributions from an employer (or person) in the territory of the other Party, the competent authority of the latter Party shall provide assistance to collect the contributions. The assistance shall be limited to passing the demand for contributions, with instructions on how the contributions can be paid, to the liable employer (or person).