
SCHEDULE 1Constitution of an Advisory Appointments Committee

Consultant Committee

1.  The Board shall constitute a Committee in accordance with the following provisions of this Schedule.

2.  The Board shall appoint to the Committee six persons, hereafter referred to as “core members”, of whom:

(a)one shall be a lay member of the Board;

(b)one shall be a professional member who shall be—

(i)a person employed by the Board as a consultant in the relevant specialty; or

(ii)where no such person is available for the purpose a person employed by the Board as a consultant in some other specialty;

(c)when the appointment is to a consultant post in a hospital the medical director or, in the case of a dental appointment, the dental director of that hospital or a person who acts in a similar capacity in that hospital;

(d)one shall be the chief officer of the Board;

(e)one shall be a consultant specialising in the branch of medicine or dentistry concerned practising outside Northern Ireland;

(f)one shall be nominated by the Faculty of Medicine of the Queen’s University of Belfast.

3.  In addition to the core members the Board may appoint such additional members to the Committee as it thinks fit.

4.  A Committee shall have a majority of professional members and a majority of members who are persons employed by the Board or who are members of the Board.

5.  Two or more Boards may in the appointment of a Committee act together as if they were a single Board.