Motor Vehicles (Driving Licences) Regulations (Northern Ireland) 1996

Technical control of the vehicle

B.—1. Start the engine and move off smoothly (uphill and downhill as well as on the flat).

2. Accelerate to a suitable speed while maintaining a straight course, including during gear changes.

3. Adjust speed to negotiate left or right turns at junctions, possibly in restricted spaces, while maintaining control of the vehicle.

4. Brake accurately to stop, if need be by performing an emergency stop.

5. Either—

(a)perform any two of the following manoeuvres—

(i)reverse in a straight line and reverse right or left round a corner while keeping within the correct traffic lane;

(ii)turn the vehicle to face the opposite way, using forward and reverse gears;

(iii)park the vehicle and leave a parking space (parallel, oblique or right-angle) both forwards and in reverse, on the flat, uphill and downhill; or

(b)reverse in an S-shaped curve.