
Part IGeneral


2.—(1) Where, under any provision of these Regulations—

(a)any document is given or sent to the Department, that document shall, subject to paragraph (2), be treated as having been so given or sent on the date it is received by the Department; and

(b)any document is given or sent to any other person, that document shall, if sent by post to that person’s last known or notified address, and subject to paragraph (3), be treated as having been given or sent on the second day after the day of posting, excluding any Sunday or any day which is a bank holiday in England, Wales, Scotland or Northern Ireland under the Banking and Financial Dealings Act 1971(1).

(2) The Department may treat any document given or sent to it as given or sent on such day, earlier than the day it was received by it, as it may determine, if it is satisfied that there was unavoidable delay in its receiving the document in question.

(3) Where, by any provision of these Regulations, and in relation to a particular application, notice or notification—

(a)more than one document is required to be given or sent to a person, and more than one such document is sent by post to that person but not all the documents are posted on the same day; or

(b)documents are required to be given or sent to more than one person, and not all such documents are posted on the same day,

all those documents shall be treated as having been posted on the later or, as the case may be, the latest day of posting.