Export of Animals (Protection) Order (Northern Ireland) 1996

Cleansing and disinfection

8.—(1) A person having the charge or control of any approved premises shall not use or cause or permit to be used any pen, enclosure, fitting, utensil or other thing on the premises in connection with the detention of any animals during their rest period unless such pen, enclosure, fitting, utensil or other thing has before each occasion on which it is so used been—

(a)scraped and swept and any dung, litter or other matter removed from the premises or burnt; and

(b)thoroughly washed and scrubbed with water and thereafter thoroughly disinfected with an approved disinfectant and dried, allowed to dry or otherwise suitably prepared for the reception of animals.

(2) An inspector may serve a notice in writing on the person having the charge or control of any approved premises requiring him—

(i)to cleanse and disinfect the whole or any part of the premises or of any pen, enclosure, fitting, utensil or other thing in such manner as he may specify in the notice, and

(ii)to dispose of any dung, litter or other matter in such manner as he may specify in the notice.

(3) A person having the charge or control of any approved premises who is given notice in accordance with paragraph (2) shall not use or cause or permit to be used the premises or that part thereof which is specified in the notice or any pen, enclosure, fitting, utensil or other thing so specified in connection with the detention of animals during their rest period until the cleansing and disinfection required by the notice has been carried out to the satisfaction of an inspector.