Export of Animals (Protection) Order (Northern Ireland) 1996

Animals unfit for transportation

10.—(1) Where a veterinary inspector is of the opinion that any animal required to be rested under this Order or in respect of which a licence has been granted under Article 13 is unfit for international transport or that the animal is likely to give birth during international transport, he may—

(a)place a mark on the animal and serve a notice in writing on the person having the charge or control of the animal or of the vehicle, vessel, aircraft or receptacle in which the animal is to be transported prohibiting the transportation of the animal, and where the animal is already loaded into a vehicle, vessel, aircraft or receptacle the notice may require the person on which it is served to unload the animal;

(b)serve a notice on the person having the charge or control of the animal or of the vehicle, vessel, aircraft or receptacle requiring him to have the animal rested or treated at such place and in such manner as he may specify in the notice. An animal required to be rested or treated shall not be moved from the place where it is being rested or treated unless such movement is authorised by the notice served under this sub-paragraph and is in accordance with the conditions, if any, specified in the notice.

(2) An animal to which this Article applies shall not be considered fit for international transport if it has given birth during the 48 hours before such transportation begins.

(3) A veterinary inspector may vary or withdraw a notice served under paragraph (1)(a) or (b) by a notice in writing served on the person on whom the notice to be varied or withdrawn was served.