Magistrates' Courts (Domestic Proceedings) Rules (Northern Ireland) 1996

Application under Article 4

3.—(1) An application by way of complaint to a justice of the peace or clerk of petty sessions for an order under Article 4 may be made orally specifying the type of order sought and the ground or grounds on which the application is made.

(2) Where an application under paragraph (c) or (d) of Article 4 alleges adultery or such behaviour by the respondent that the applicant cannot reasonably be expected to live with the respondent, particulars of the adultery or alleged behaviour shall not be stated in the summons, but, where the respondent or his solicitor, in writing, requests any such particulars, the applicant shall forthwith furnish particulars, in writing, to the respondent or his solicitor and to the clerk of petty sessions.

(3) A summons issued in consequence of such an application shall be in Form D1 and shall be prepared in triplicate and a copy served on the respondent.