The Children (1995 Order) (Commencement No. 3) Order (Northern Ireland) 1996

Article 2(3)

SCHEDULE 2Provisions of the 1995 Order not being brought into operation by this Order

Provisions of the 1995 OrderSubject matter
Article 149(1)(i)Inspection of schools providing accommodation
Article 176 Article 178 only in so far as it relates to Article 176Children accommodated in schools Search warrants
The following paragraphs of Schedule 9 and Article 185(1) in so far as it relates to them—Consequential amendments
paragraph 17Amendment to the Maintenance and Affiliation Orders Act (Northern Ireland) 1966
paragraph 109Amendment to the Domestic Proceedings (Northern Ireland) Order 1980
The following repeals in Schedule 10 and Article 185(2) in so far as it relates to them—Repeals
the Domestic Proceedings (Northern Ireland) Order 1980(1), Articles 25(1) and 26Variation and revocation of orders