
Part IVWells

Assessment of conditions below ground

14.—(1) Before the design of a well is commenced the well-operator shall cause—

(a)the geological strata and formations, and fluids within them, through which it may pass; and

(b)any hazards which such strata and formations may contain,

to be assessed.

(2) The well-operator shall ensure that account is taken of the assessment required by paragraph (1) when the well is being designed and constructed.

(3) The well-operator shall ensure that, while an operation (including the drilling of the well) is carried out in relation to the well, those matters described in paragraph (1)(a) and (b) shall, so far as is reasonably practicable, be kept under review and that, if any change is observed in those matters, such modification is made, where appropriate, to—

(a)the design and construction of the well; or

(b)any procedures,

as is necessary to ensure that the purposes described in regulation 13(1) will continue to be fulfilled.