
SCHEDULE 1Industrial Tribunals Rules of Procedure 1996

Action upon receipt of originating application

2.—(1) Upon receiving an originating application the Secretary shall—

(a)send a copy of it to the respondent;

(b)give every party notice in writing of the case number of the application (which shall constitute the title of the proceedings) and of the address to which notices and other communications to the Secretary shall be sent; and

(c)send to the respondent a notice in writing which includes information, as appropriate to the case, about the means and time for entering an appearance, the consequences of failure to do so, and the right to receive a copy of the decision.

(2) The Secretary shall, subject to rule 13(6), enter particulars of an originating application in the Register either within 28 days of receiving it or, if that is not practicable, as soon as reasonably practicable thereafter.

(3) The Secretary shall notify the parties that in every case where a statutory provision provides for conciliation, the conciliation services of the Agency are available to them.