Students Awards Regulations (Northern Ireland) 1995

Regulations 12(i)(a),17(1)(a) and 18(2),(3) and (7)


The fees referred to in regulation 12(1)(a) are—

(a) the aggregate of any fees for admission, registration or matriculation (including matriculation exemption), any sessional or tuition fees, any composition fee, any graduation fee and in the case of a course referred to in paragraph (v), any fee in respect of the validation of the course (in each case excluding any element thereof representing or attributable to any such fee as is mentioned in the following sub-paragraphs or to maintenance) subject to the following maxima:

(1)in the case of a course not covered by any other sub-paragraph, £250 in respect of each instalment;

(2)in the case of a course with a substantial laboratory or workshop component, or a course leading to the Postgraduate Certificate in Education, or the pre-clinical elements of courses in medicine, dentistry and veterinary science, £534 in respect of the first and second instalments and £532 in respect of the third instalment;

(3)in the case of the clinical training elements of courses in medicine, dentistry and veterinary science, £934 in respect of each of the first and second instalments and £932 in respect of the third instalment;

  • Provided the said maximum fees shall be—


    for courses undertaken at an institution in the Republic of Ireland, £1,855in respect of a course which is not covered by any other sub-paragraph, £2,770 in respect of a course covered by sub-paragraph (2) of paragraph (a) and a maximum of £4,985 in respect of a course covered by sub-paragraph (3) of that paragraph;


    in the case of a course at the University of Buckingham, £525 in respect of each of the four instalments;


    in the case of a part-time course leading to the Postgraduate Certificate in Education, or a part-time course of initial teacher training with a substantial laboratory or workshop component, £267 in respect of the first and second instalments, £266 in respect of the third instalment and in the case of a course of initial teacher training without such a component, unless the course is partly full-time and involves more than 10 weeks full-time attendance in the relevant year, £125 in respect of each instalment;


    in the case of a full-time course at the Union Theological College, Belfast, the Edgehill College, Belfast, the Irish Baptist College, Belfast, or the Belfast Bible College, Belfast, for the degrees of Bachelor of Divinity, Bachelor of Theology or the Diploma in Theology of Queen’s University, Belfast, £618 in respect of each of the first and second instalments and £619 in respect of the third instalment;


    subject to sub-paragraphs (vi) and (vii), in respect of courses at institutions which are neither maintained nor assisted by grants paid out of public funds, £840 for each academic year;


    the following amounts in respect of courses at the following institutions—

    for the 1st instalmentfor the 2nd instalmentfor the 3rd instalment
    Guildhall School of Music£1,071£1,071£1,071
    Heythrop College£530£530£530;

    in the case of a course at the Royal Agricultural College commencing in the academic year 1989-90 or 1990-91 only, £618 in respect of each of the first and second instalments and £619 in respect of the third instalment;


    in respect of any academic year of a sandwich course during which one or more periods of experience is undertaken but any periods of full-time study are in aggregate less than 10 weeks, £125 in respect of each instalment in the case of a course covered by sub-paragraph (1) and £267 in respect of each of the first and second instalments and £266 in respect of the third instalment in the case of a course covered by sub-paragraph (2);


    in respect of the final year of any course covered by this paragraph (other than one covered by head (v)) which is ordinarily required to be completed before the first, the second or in the case of a course covered by head (ii), the third of the dates 1st January, 1st April, 1st July and 1st September which follow the beginning of that year, the amount which would be payable in respect of the first, the first two, or the first three instalments respectively if this paragraph did not apply;

(b) college fees or dues at the universities of Cambridge, Durham, Kent, Lancaster, Oxford and York (excluding any element thereof representing or attributable to any such fee as is mentioned in sub-paragraph (c) or to maintenance);

(c) any fees charged by an external body in respect of examinations or the validation of the course or otherwise charged by such a body whose requirements must (for the purposes of the course) be satisfied, or any fees attributable to fees so charged, but in the case of fees in respect of the validation of the course, only where the fees are charged by a body which does not have the power to award a degree or by the University of Buckingham.