
Disclosure of remuneration for non-audit work

5.—(1) Subject to paragraph (3), there shall be disclosed in notes to the annual accounts of a company relating to each financial year beginning on or after 29th March 1993—

(a)the aggregate of the remuneration, if any, in respect of work carried out in that year of the company’s auditors during that year and of any person who is treated, by virtue of regulation 3, as having been an associate of the company’s auditors in that year; and

(b)the aggregate of the remuneration, if any, in respect of work carried out during the previous financial year of the company’s auditors and of any person who is treated, by virtue of regulation 3, as having been an associate of the company’s auditors in that previous financial year

for services other than those of the auditors in their capacity as such supplied—

(i)to the company; and

(ii)to an associated undertaking of the company in any case in which the company’s auditors or any associates of the company’s auditors are auditors of the relevant associated undertaking.

(2) This regulation applies to benefits in kind as to payments in cash, and, in relation to any such benefit, its nature and its estimated money value shall also be disclosed in the note.

(3) Paragraph (1) does not require disclosure of remuneration for a financial year beginning before 29th March 1993.

(4) Where more than one person has been appointed as a company’s auditor in a single financial year, paragraph (1) has effect to require separate disclosure in respect of remuneration of each such person and their associates.