Road Traffic (Carriage of Dangerous Substances in Road Tankers and Tank Containers) Regulations (Northern Ireland) 1992


Road Traffic (Carriage of Dangerous Substances in Road Tankers and Tank Containers) Regulations (Northern Ireland) 1992 (“the Regulations”)Licensee-controlled deliveries in accordance with Part II of Schedule 4 to the Regulations

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Note: The competent person appointed by the licensee must enter, in the first column, the address of the licensed premises concerned; in the second column, the name of the licensee; in the third column, the relevant storage tank number, letter or number and letter: in the fourth and fifth columns, the quantity and grade respectively of petrol to be delivered; in the sixth column, his signature; and, in the seventh column, the correct date and time, This Part must be completed before delivery into the tank commences, The sixth column may only be completed after compliance with the appropriate sub-paragraphs of paragraph Y of Schedule 4 to the Regulations, Paragraph 9 reads as follows:

Address of licensed premisesName of licenseeStorage tank number, letter or number and letterQuantity of petrol to be deliveredGrade of petrol to be deliveredSignature of competent person (to certify that he has complied with the appropriate requirements of sub-paragraphs . (u)to(d)of paragraph 9 of Schedule 4 to the Regulations before delivery commences)Date and time of completion of this Part of the Certificate

9.  The competent person shall be in charge of the storage tank for the purpose of the delivery and shall not permit delivery into the tank to commence—

(a)unless the tank has immediately before the delivery been measured with a dipstick or other suitable measuring device and the measurement has shown that the quantity of petrol proposed to be delivered can safely be received by that tank; and


(i)the hose (whether a single length or segmented) through which the petrol will be delivered (“the delivery hose”) is connected to the filling point of that tank, and

(ii)(where the provisions of paragraph 7 apply to the delivery) the vapour balance hose is secured to the vapour balance pipe before the delivery hose is connected as aforesaid;

(c)(in any case where there is a separate dipping opening in the storage tank) until that dipping opening has been securely closed; and

(d)(where siphon pipes link storage tanks at the licensed premises and none of the linked tanks is fitted with a mechanical overfill prevention device) until the tank has been isolated from the other storage tanks by the closure of suitable valves,

and shall not as respects that tank sign his name on the certificate referred to in paragraph 10 until he has complied with the appropriate requirements of sub-paragraphs (a) to (d).

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Note: In this Part, the driver must enter, in the first column, the relevant storage tank number, letter or number and letter; in the second column, the number of each compartment of any carrying tank from which the petrol is to be delivered; and, in the third column, his signature. This Part must be completed after Part A has been completed by a competent person appointed by the licensee, but before delivery into the tank commences.

Storage tank number, letter or number and letterRoad tanker carrying tank compartment numbersSignature of driver