Road Traffic (Carriage of Dangerous Substances in Road Tankers and Tank Containers) Regulations (Northern Ireland) 1992

11.  The driver of a road tanker shall not commence any delivery of petrol into a storage tank until—

(a)he has (after the competent person has completed Part A of each of two copies of a certificate in the form specified in Part IV in accordance with paragraph 10)), in part B of each of the said two copies, in the first column, entered the number, letter or number and letter marked on the tank, in the second column, entered the number of each compartment of any carrying tank from which the petrol is to be delivered and, in the third column, entered his signature;

(b)he has—

(i)properly and securely connected the delivery hose (whether a single length or segmented) to—

(aa)the appropriate outlet on the road tanker, and

(bb)the filling point of the tank, and

(ii)(where the delivery hose is segmented) properly and securely connected each segment one with another;

(c)(where the provisions of paragraph 7 apply to the delivery) he has (before properly and securely connecting the delivery hose and, where appropriate, any segments thereof as aforesaid) properly and securely connected the vapour balance hose—

(i)to the vapour balance pipe, and

(ii)to the appropriate faucet on the road tanker; and

(d)the competent person is keeping watch as required by paragraph 12.