Road Traffic (Carriage of Dangerous Substances in Road Tankers and Tank Containers) Regulations (Northern Ireland) 1992

Information in writing to be available during carriage

12.—(1) The operator of a road tanker carrying a dangerous substance or of any other vehicle carrying a dangerous substance in a tank container shall ensure that the driver of the vehicle concerned has received adequate information in writing about—

(a)the identity of the substance;

(b)the quantity to be carried; and

(c)the nature of the hazards created by the substance and the action to be taken in an emergency concerning it.

(2) The driver of a road tanker carrying a dangerous substance or of any other vehicle carrying a dangerous substance in a tank container shall ensure that the information in writing relating to that substance received by him in accordance with paragraph (1) is, subject to paragraphs (6) and (7) and regulation 27, kept in the cab of the vehicle and is readily available at all times while the substance is being carried.

(3) Where a dangerous substance has been carried in a road tanker or tank container and the carrying tank of that road tanker or that tank container and (where the carrying tank or tank container concerned is divided into compartments) all the compartments thereof have been emptied and cleaned or purged so that any of the substance or its vapour which remains is not sufficient to create a risk to the health or safety of any person, the driver of the road tanker or other vehicle carrying the tank container shall ensure that the information in writing relating to that substance received by him in accordance with paragraph (1) and which he had to keep in the cab of the vehicle in accordance with paragraph (2) is, subject to paragraph (5), destroyed, removed from the relevant vehicle or placed in a securely closed container clearly marked to show that the information relates to no other substance which is being carried.

(4) The driver of a road tanker or of any other vehicle carrying a tank container shall, if that road tanker or tank container is not carrying a dangerous substance, ensure that any information in writing in his possession received by him in accordance with paragraph (1) is destroyed, removed from the vehicle or placed in the securely closed container referred to in paragraph (3).

(5) Nothing in paragraph (3) shall require the destruction, removal or placing in a securely closed container of information in writing received by a driver in accordance with paragraph (1) which relates to any dangerous substance which has been removed from a road tanker or tank container in the manner specified in the said paragraph (3) where that information in writing relates also to a dangerous substance which is being carried, and the nature of the hazards created by those dangerous substances is such that the action to be taken in an emergency concerning them is identical.

(6) Notwithstanding paragraph (2), where the tractor unit of any articulated vehicle carrying a dangerous substance is detached from the trailer of that vehicle on a road or in premises, the driver of the vehicle shall attach the information in writing relating to that substance received by him in accordance with paragraph (1) to the trailer in a readily visible position or (in the case where the tractor unit is detached as aforesaid in premises) give that information to the occupier of the premises; and in such a case, the occupier shall ensure that the said information is readily available at the premises.

(7) Notwithstanding paragraph (2), the driver of a road tanker carrying a dangerous substance or of any other vehicle carrying a dangerous substance in a tank container shall, when so requested in an emergency by any police constable or any member of the fire or ambulance services, produce the information in writing relating to that substance received by him in accordance with paragraph (1) to that constable or other person.