The Social Security Benefits Up-rating Order (Northern Ireland) 1991

Article 14(8) and (9)

Schedule 5Applicable Amounts of Persons in Homes for Persons in Need and Nursing Homes

Part 1Provisions in Schedule 4 to the Income Support Regulations as amended by this order

Homes for persons in need

6.  —

(1) Subject to sub-paragraph (2) and paragraph 8 to 10, where the accommodation provided for the claimant is a home for persons in need, for persons in need of personal care by virtue of—

(a)age and infirmity, the appropriate amount shall be £160.00 per week;

(b)past or present mental disorder but excluding mental handicap, the appropriate amount shall be £170.00 per week;

(c)past or present drug or alcohol dependence, the appropriate amount shall be £170.00 per week;

(d)mental handicap, the appropriate amount shall be £195.00 per week;

(e)physical disablement, the appropriate amount shall be—

(i)in the case of a person to whom paragraph 8 applies, £230.00 per week, or

(ii)in any other case £160.00 per week.

Nursing homes

7.  Subject to paragraphs 8 to 10, where the accommodation provided for the claimant is a nursing home for persons in need of personal care by virtue of—

(a)past or present mental disorder but excluding mental handicap, the appropriate amount shall be £255.00 per week;

(b)mental handicap, the appropriate amount shall be £260.00 per week;

(c)past or present drug or alcohol dependence, the appropriate amount shall be £255.00 per week;

(d)physical disablement, the appropriate amount shall be—

(i)in the case of a person to whom paragraph 8 applies, £290.00 per week, or (ii) in any other case, £255.00 per week;

(e)terminal illness, the appropriate amount shall be £275.00 per week; or

(f)any condition not falling within sub-paragraphs (a) to (e), the appropriate amount shall be £255.00 per week.

Personal allowances

12.  The allowances for personal expenses for the claimant and each member of his family referred to in paragraph 1(1)(b) shall be—

(a)for the claimant £11.40; and, if he has a partner, for his partner, £11.40;

(b)for a young person aged 18, £11.40;

(c)for a young person aged under 18 but over 16, £7.95;

(d)for a child aged under 16 but over 11, £6.85;

(e)for a child aged under 11, £4.65.

Part IIOther sums specified in Schedule 4 to the Income Support Regulations

Paragraph in Schedule 4Specified Sum

2(2)(b)(i) }

2(2)(b)(ii) } (increases for meals)

2(2)(b)(iii) }

daily £1.10

daily £1.55

daily £1.55

6(2) (pension age and above)weekly £185.00