

PART IIIMaintenance of dependants

14.—(1) This paragraph shall apply in the case of all students with dependants.

(2) The dependants requirement of the student shall, subject to paragraphs 15 and 16 be—

(a)if the student’s spouse holds a statutory award and in calculating payments under it account is taken of the spouse’s dependants requirement, one half of the amount determined in accordance with sub-paragraphs (3) and (4);

(b)in any other case, the whole of the amount so determined.

(3) The amount referred to in sub-paragraph (2) shall be the amount which is



X is the aggregate of the relevant sums specified in sub-paragraph (4);


Y is the aggregate of the income of the student’s dependants:


Z is so much of the sum ascertained by multiplying £675 by the number of his dependants as does not exceed Y.

(4) The relevant sums referred to in sub-paragraph (3) are—

(a)except where the student has a spouse who is the holder of a relevant award, £1,615;

(b)in respect of each dependent child—

(i)under the age of 11 immediately before the beginning of the academic year, or born during that year, £340;

(ii)then aged 11 or over, but under 16, £680;

(iii)then aged 16 or over but under 18, £895;

(iv)then aged 18 or over, £1,290,

except that the only or eldest dependent child shall be disregarded for the purposes hereof if the student has neither an adult dependant nor a spouse who is, or but for paragraph 13(2) would be, a dependant.