The Alkali, & c. Works Order (Northern Ireland) 1991

  1. Introductory Text

  2. 1.Citation and commencement

  3. 2.Interpretation

  4. 3.Noxious and offensive gases

  5. 4.Works

  6. 5.Revocation

  7. Signature

    1. SCHEDULE 1

      List of Noxious or Offensive Gases in substitution for that contained in Section 27 of the Alkali Act

    2. SCHEDULE 2

      List of Works in substitution for that contained in the First Schedule to the Alkali Act

      1. LIST OF WORKS

        1. 1.Sulphuric acid (Class 1) works

        2. 2.Sulphuric acid (Class II) works

        3. 3.Chemical fertilizer works

        4. 4.Gas liquor works

        5. 5.Nitric acid works

        6. 6.Sulphate of ammonia works, and chloride of ammonia works

        7. 7.Chlorine works

        8. 8.Muriatic acid works (Hydrochloric acid works)

        9. 9.Sulphide works

        10. 10.Arsenic works

        11. 11.Nitrate and chloride of iron works

        12. 12.Carbon disulphide works

        13. 13.Picric acid works

        14. 14.Paraffin oil works

        15. 15.Bisulphite works

        16. 16.Tar works and bitumen works

        17. 17.Zinc works

        18. 18.Benzene works

        19. 19.Pyridine works

        20. 20.Bromine works

        21. 21.Hydrofluoric acid works

        22. 22.Cement works

        23. 23.Lead works

        24. 24.Fluorine works

        25. 25.Iron works and steel works

        26. 26.Copper works

        27. 27.Aluminium works

        28. 28.Electricity works

        29. 29.Producer gas works

        30. 30.Gas and coke works

        31. 31.Ceramic works

        32. 32.Lime works

        33. 33.Caustic soda works

        34. 34.Uranium works

        35. 35.Beryllium works

        36. 36.Selenium works

        37. 37.Phosphorus works

        38. 38.Ammonia works

        39. 39.Hydrogen cyanide works

        40. 40.Acetylene works

        41. 41.Amines works

        42. 42.Aldehyde works

        43. 43.Anhydride works

        44. 44.Chromium works

        45. 45.Magnesium works

        46. 46.Cadmium works

        47. 47.Manganese works

        48. 48.Metal recovery works

        49. 49.Petroleum works

        50. 50.Acrylates works

        51. 51.Di-isocyanate works

        52. 52.Mineral Works

        53. 53.Smelting works

        54. 54.Asbestos works

        55. 55.Carbonyl works

        56. 56.Petrochemical works

        57. 57.Vinyl chloride works

        58. 58.Bulk chemical storage works

        59. 59.Fibre works

        60. 60.Glass works

        61. 61.Incineration works

        62. 62.Large combustion works

        63. 63.Large paper pulp works

  8. Explanatory Note