
Article 3

SCHEDULEMonetary limits for purposes of Part IX of the Insolvency (Northern Ireland) Order 1989

Column 1 Article of the OrderColumn 2 Short Description Column 3 Monetary Limit
247(1)(a)Maximum level of unsecured bankruptcy debts on debtor’s petition for case to be referred to insolvency practitioner to assess the possibility of voluntary arrangement with creditors.£20,000
247(1)(b)Minimum potential value of bankrupt’s estate for case to be referred as described above.£2,000
325(1)and(3)Minimum amount of concealed debt, or value of property concealed or removed, determining criminal liability under the Article.£500
329(1)Minimum value of property taken by a bankrupt out of Northern Ireland determining his criminal liability.£500
333(1)Maximum amount of credit which bankrupt may obtain without disclosure of his status.£250
332(2)Exemption of bankrupt from criminal liability for failure to keep proper accountancy records, if unsecured liabilities not more than the prescribed minimum.£20,000
335(2)(d)Minimum value of goods removed by the bankrupt, determining his liability to arrest.£500