Explanatory Memorandum

Sexual Offences (Northern Ireland) Order 2008

2008 No. 1769

7.Policy Background

The Provisions

Part 6 – Miscellaneous sexual offences
Other offences
Article 73: Intercourse with an animal

7.147.Article 73 makes it an offence for a man intentionally to penetrate the vagina or anus of a living animal with his penis where he knows or is reckless as to whether that is what he is penetrating. The reference to vagina or anus in this context is further explained at paragraph (13) of Article 2. Paragraph (2) makes it an offence for a person intentionally to cause or allow her vagina or his or her anus to be penetrated by the penis of a living animal where he or she knows or is reckless as to whether that is what is doing the penetrating. This offence is related solely to penile penetration in relation to animals and does not replace existing legislation covering cruelty to animals.