Explanatory Memorandum

Sexual Offences (Northern Ireland) Order 2008

2008 No. 1769

7.Policy Background

The Provisions

Part 6 – Miscellaneous sexual offences
Preparatory offences
Article 66: Committing an offence with intent to commit a sexual offence

7.137.Article 66 makes it an offence for a person (A) intentionally to commit any criminal offence with intent to commit any relevant sexual offence as defined in paragraph (2). This offence is intended to capture the situation where A commits a criminal offence but does so with the intention of committing a subsequent sexual offence, regardless of whether or not the substantive sexual offence is committed. It would apply, for example, where A kidnaps B so that he can rape him but is caught by the police before committing the rape. It would also apply where A detained B in his flat with this intention, or assaulted B to subdue him so that he could more easily rape him. If A does commit the intended offence, he could be charged with the substantive sexual offence in addition to this offence. The offence has a maximum life sentence for circumstances where there is an assault with the intent to commit rape or sexual assault by penetration.