The Smoking (Northern Ireland) Order 2006

This section has no associated Explanatory Memorandum

1.  An authorised officer has the right to do any of the following, on production (if required) of his written authority—N.I.

(a)at any reasonable hour, enter any premises (other than premises used only as a private dwelling house not open to the public) which he considers it is necessary for him to enter for the purpose of the proper exercise of his functions under this Order,

(b)there carry out such inspections and examinations as he considers necessary for that purpose,

(c)if he considers it necessary for that purpose, require the production of any substance or product, and inspect it, and take and retain samples of or extracts from it,

(d)take possession of any substance or product on the premises, and retain it for as long as he considers necessary for that purpose,

(e)require any person to give him such information, or afford him such facilities and assistance, as he considers necessary for that purpose.