


Information as to ownership of dwelling-houses

65.—(1) The appropriate district council may, for the purpose of enabling it to serve any notice (including any copy of any notice) which it is by this Order authorised or required to serve, require–

(a)the occupier of any dwelling-house appearing to the council to be let under a private tenancy, and

(b)any person appearing to the council to be the owner of such a dwelling-house,

to state in writing the nature of his own estate therein and the name and address of any other person known to him as having an estate therein.

(2) In paragraph (1)(b), “the owner” has the meaning given in Article 15.

(3) Any person who, having been required by the appropriate district council in pursuance of this Article to give to it any information, fails to give that information, or knowingly makes any misstatement in respect thereof, shall be guilty of an offence under this Order.