The Provisions of the Order

Part Iii:   Boards: Finance and the Duty of Best Value

Article 10 – Resource allocation plans
Article 11 – Funding of boards
Article 12 – Accounts of boards

These amendments are made in recognition of the move to resource accounting and budgeting and the fact that the ELBs are now funded by three Departments.

Article 13 – The duty of best value

Article 13 places a duty on ELBs to deliver Best Value in the execution of their services and to consult interested parties on how this should be done.

Article 14 – Contracts: exclusion of non-commercial considerations

Article 14 allows the Department to amend Article 20 of the Education and Libraries (Northern Ireland) Order 1993 which requires that an ELB does not take into account non-commercial matters when conducting a tender process for the supply of goods, materials or services to the ELB.

Article 16 – Repeal of competition provisions

Article 16 repeals Part II of, and Schedule 1 to, the Education and Libraries (Northern Ireland) Order 1993 which had placed certain compulsory competitive tendering requirements on ELBs in executing some of their activities.