The Employment (Northern Ireland) Order 2003

  1. Introduction

  2. Policy Objectives

  3. Background

  4. Consultation

  5. Main Elements of the Order

  6. Commentary on Provisions

    1. Article 1: Title and commencement

    2. Article 2: Interpretation

    3. Article 3: Conciliation

    4. Article 4: Power to delegate prescription of forms,

    5. Article 5: Determination without a hearing

    6. Article 6: Practice directions

    7. Article 7: Pre-hearing reviews

    8. Article 8: Costs, expenses and allowances

    9. Article 9: Power to delegate prescription of forms,

    10. Article 10: Determination without a hearing

    11. Article 11: Conciliation

    12. Article 12: Practice directions

    13. Article 13: Pre-hearing reviews and preliminary matters

    14. Article 14: Costs and allowances

    15. Article 15: Statutory dispute resolution procedures

    16. Article 16: Contracts of employment

    17. Article 17: Non-completion of statutory procedure: adjustment of awards by industrial tribunals

    18. Article 18: Non-completion of statutory procedure: adjustment of awards by Fair Employment Tribunal

    19. Article 19: Complaints about grievances: industrial tribunals

    20. Article 20: Complaints about grievances: Fair Employment Tribunal

    21. Article 21: Consequential adjustment of time limits: industrial tribunals

    22. Article 22: Consequential adjustment of time limits: Fair Employment Tribunal

    23. Article 23: Procedural fairness in unfair dismissal

    24. Article 24: Particulars of procedures relating to discipline or dismissal

    25. Article 25: Removal of exemption for small employers

    26. Article 26: Use of alternative documents to give particulars

    27. Article 27: Failure to give statements of employment particulars, : industrial tribunals

    28. Article 28: Failure to give statements of employment particulars, : Fair Employment Tribunal

    29. Article 29: Unfair dismissal: adjustments under Articles 17 and 27

    30. Article 30: Equal pay questionnaires

    31. Article 31: Union learning representatives

    32. Article 32: Dismissal procedures agreements

    33. Article 33: Deputy Certification Officer

    34. Article 34: Regulations and orders

    35. Article 35: Amendments and repeals

  7. Commencement