The Criminal Injuries Compensation (Northern Ireland) Order 2002

Disclosure of information

12.—(1) The Secretary of State may supply the Department for Social Development with information about any award made to—

(a)a person who is (either as an individual or as a member of a joint-claim couple) in receipt of income support or income-based jobseeker’s allowance, or

(b)a person whose capital is treated, for the purposes of income support or income-based jobseeker’s allowance, as the capital of a person or joint-claim couple in receipt of that benefit.

(2) The Secretary of State may supply the Department of Finance and Personnel or the Northern Ireland Housing Executive with information about any award made to—

(a)a person who is in receipt of housing benefit, or

(b)a person whose capital is, for the purposes of housing benefit, treated as the capital of a person in receipt of that benefit.

(3) The Secretary of State may supply the Board or any officer of the Board with information about any award made to—

(a)a person who is in receipt of working families' tax credit, or

(b)a person whose capital is, for the purposes of working families' tax credit, treated as the capital of a person in receipt of that tax credit.