The Further Education (Northern Ireland) Order 1997

Development plans

20.—(1) Each governing body of an institution of further education shall, not later than such date in every financial year as the Department may determine, submit to the Department a development plan in respect of the institution.

(2) The development plan shall be prepared in respect of the next following financial year and the succeeding two financial years.

(3) The development plan shall contain a statement of—

(a)the number of persons the governing body estimates will be students of the institution;

(b)the courses of further and higher education which the governing body proposes to provide or secure the provision of;

(c)the capital expenditure proposed by the governing body and an estimate of the recurrent expenditure and income of the governing body; and

(d)such other matters as may be determined by the Department,

as regards each financial year to which the plan relates.

(4) In preparing a development plan, a governing body shall take into account any guidance issued to it by the Department.

(5) A development plan prepared in pursuance of this Article shall be in such form as the Department may determine.

(6) Any power of the Department under this Article to make a -determination may be exercised differently in respect of different governing bodies.

(7) Each governing body of an institution of further education shall make arrangements for monitoring the implementation of the development plan in respect of the institution.