The Licensing (Northern Ireland) Order 1996

1O.—(1) Where, after steps have been taken by a housing authority in accordance with the provisions of paragraph 9, any sites or premises have not been disposed of to preferred applicants, the housing authority shall cause to be published in 2 successive weeks in at least 1 newspaper circulating in the vicinity of those sites or premises a notice—

(a)describing those sites or premises and referring to the declaration under paragraph 4(1);

(b)inviting offers in writing for the purchase or, if the housing authority think fit, the lease of any one of those sites or premises;

(c)specifying the period (not being less than 2 months from the date of the last publication of the notice) within which offers may be made.

(2) After the expiration of the period during which offers may be made as mentioned in sub-paragraph (1)(c), the housing authority may, with the approval of the Department, dispose of the sites or premises to persons making offers therefor within that period.