

Structure, etc., of licensed premises

Consent required for certain alterations to premises

31.—(1) An alteration shall not be made to premises for which a licence is in force if the alteration—

(a)gives increased facilities for drinking in a public or common part of the premises; or

(b)adds to the premises a public or common part in which intoxicating liquor is sold, or substitutes one such part for another; or

(c)conceals from observation a public or common part of the premises in which intoxicating liquor is sold; or

(d)affects the means of passage between the public part of the premises where intoxicating liquor is sold and the remainder of the premises or any road or other public place,

unless either—

(i)an application under this Article has been made by the holder of the licence to a county court and the court has made an order consenting to the alteration; or

(ii)the alteration is required by order of some lawful authority and, before the alteration is made, notice of the requirement is served by the holder of the licence on the clerk of petty sessions for the petty sessions district in which the premises are situated.

(2) The procedure for applications under paragraph (1)(i) is set out in Part I of Schedule 8, and Part II of that Schedule shall have effect in relation to notices under paragraph (1)(ii).

(3) If any alteration such as is mentioned in paragraph (1) is made to premises otherwise than in accordance with an order of the county court or an order of some lawful authority, a court of summary jurisdiction may order the holder of the licence to restore, as far as is practicable, the premises to their original condition within a period fixed by the order.

(4) The period fixed by an order under paragraph (3) may be extended by order of a court of summary jurisdiction on the application of the holder of the licence.

(5) If paragraph (1)(ii) is not complied with, the holder of the licence shall be guilty of an offence and shall be liable on summary conviction to a fine not exceeding level 2 on the standard scale.

(6) If the holder of the licence makes default in complying with an order under paragraph (3), he shall be guilty of an offence and shall be liable on summary conviction to a fine not exceeding level 5 on the standard scale or to imprisonment for a term not exceeding 6 months or to both.

New licence required on reconstruction of premises

32.—(1) Subject to paragraphs (2) and (3), where licensed premises (in this Article referred to as “the original premises”) are wholly or substantially destroyed or demolished and are, or are to be, reconstructed (with or without any extension), the licence for the original premises shall, if duly renewed and not suspended, continue in force to the extent necessary—

(a)to enable an order to be made under Article 29(1) for the temporary continuance of the business in other (including temporary) premises; and

(b)to enable the licence to be surrendered as a subsisting licence in consideration of the grant of a new licence;

but shall not be authority for the sale of intoxicating liquor in the reconstructed premises.

(2) Paragraph (1) shall not apply in the case of an hotel where the destruction, demolition or reconstruction does not affect any public or common part of the premises in which intoxicating liquor is sold.

(3) Paragraph (1) shall not apply to the demolition and reconstruction of part of any premises solely in the course of an alteration which is consented to or required as mentioned in Article 31(1) or is ordered to be made as mentioned in Article 31(3).