The Gas (Northern Ireland) Order 1996

Operation and effect of demolition orders

1.—(1) A demolition order made under Article 56(3) in respect of any building or structure shall become operative upon the service of a copy thereof on the owner of the building or structure.

(2) The owner of any building in respect of which a demolition order is made shall carry out the demolition provided for by the order—

(a)before the expiration of 6 weeks from the date on which the order becomes operative; or

(b)if the building, or such part of the building as is required to be vacated, is not vacated until after that date, before the expiration of 6 weeks from the date on which it is vacated,

or (in either case) before the expiration of such longer period as in the circumstances the Department deems reasonable.

(3) The owner of any structure in respect of which a demolition order is made shall carry out the demolition provided for by the order before the expiration of 6 weeks from the date on which the order becomes operative or before the expiration of such longer period as in the circumstances the Department deems reasonable.

(4) If the demolition is not carried out within the time allowed under sub-paragraph (2) or (3) the Department—

(a)may enter and carry out the demolition; and

(b)if it does so, shall sell the materials rendered available by the demolition.

(5) Any expenses incurred by the Department under sub-paragraph (4), after giving credit for any amount realised by the sale of materials, may be recovered by it from the owner of the building or structure, or if there is more than one owner, from the owners thereof in such shares as the court may determine to be just and equitable.

(6) An owner of a building or structure who pays to the Department the full amount of its claim may recover from any other owner of the building or structure such contribution, if any, as the court may determine to be just and equitable.

(7) Any surplus in the hands of the Department shall be paid by it to the owner of the building or structure or, if there is more than one owner, shall be paid as those owners may agree or may, in default of agreement, be paid into the county court and may be paid out to the owners by order of the court in such shares as the court may determine to be just and equitable.