The Education (Northern Ireland) Order 1996

General duty of board towards children for whom it is responsible

13.—(1) A board shall exercise its powers with a view to securing that, of the children for whom it is responsible, it identifies those to whom paragraph (2) applies.

(2) This paragraph applies to a child if—

(a)he has special educational needs, and

(b)it is necessary for the board to determine the special educational provision which any learning difficulty he may have calls for.

(3) For the purposes of this Part a board is responsible for a child if he is in the area of the board and—

(a)he is a registered pupil at a grant-aided school, or

(b)he has attained the age of two years, is not over compulsory school age and has been brought to the attention of the board as having, or probably having, special educational needs.