


Imposition of obligations on responsible person

3.—(1) With the consent of any responsible person, a supervision order may include a requirement—

(a)that he take all reasonable steps to ensure that the supervised child complies with any direction given by the supervisor under paragraph 2;

(b)that he take all reasonable steps to ensure that the supervised child complies with any requirement included in the order under paragraph 4 or 5;

(c)that he comply with any directions given by the supervisor requiring him to attend at a place specified in the directions for the purpose of taking part in activities so specified.

(2) A direction given under sub-paragraph (1)(c) may specify the time at which the responsible person is to attend and whether or not the supervised child is required to attend with him.

(3) A supervision order may require any person who is a responsible person in relation to the supervised child to keep the supervisor informed of his address, if it differs from the child's.