The Trade Union and Labour Relations (Northern Ireland) Order 1995

Meaning of “unjustifiably disciplined”

32.—(1) An individual is unjustifiably disciplined by a trade union if the actual or supposed conduct which constitutes the reason, or one of the reasons, for disciplining him is—

(a)conduct to which this Article applies, or

(b)something which is believed by the union to amount to such conduct; but subject to paragraph (6) (cases of bad faith in relation to assertion of wrongdoing).

(2) This Article applies to conduct which consists in—

(a)failing to participate in or support a strike or other industrial action (whether by members of the union or by others), or

(b)indicating opposition to or a lack of support for such action;

(c)failing to contravene, for a purpose connected with such a strike or other industrial action, a requirement imposed on him by or under a contract of employment;

(d)asserting (whether by bringing proceedings or otherwise) that the union, any official or representative of it or a trustee of its property has contravened, or is proposing to contravene, a requirement which is, or is thought to be, imposed by or under the rules of the union or any other agreement or by or under any statutory provision or any rule of law; encouraging or assisting a person—

(i)to perform an obligation imposed on him by a contract of employment, or

(ii)to make or attempt to vindicate any such assertion as is mentioned in sub-paragraph (c);

(e)contravening a requirement imposed by or in consequence of a determination which infringes the individual’s or another individual’s right not to be unjustifiably disciplined;

(f)failing to agree, or withdrawing agreement, to the making from his wages (in accordance with arrangements between his employer and the union) of deductions representing payments to the union in respect of his membership;

(g)resigning or proposing to resign from the union or from another union, becoming or proposing to become a member of another union, refusing to become a member of another union, or being a member of another union;

(h)working with, or proposing to work with, individuals who are not members of the union or who are or are not members of another union;

(j)working for, or proposing to work for, an employer who employs or who has employed individuals who are not members of the union or who are or are not members of another union; or

(k)requiring the union to do an act which the union is, by any provision of this Order or the 1992 Order, required to do on the requisition of a member.

(3) This Article applies to conduct which involves the Northern Ireland Commissioner for the Rights of Trade Union Members or the Certification Officer being consulted or asked to provide advice or assistance with respect to any matter whatever, or which involves any person being consulted or asked to provide advice or assistance with respect to a matter which forms, or might form, the subject-matter of any such assertion as is mentioned in paragraph (2)(c).

(4) This Article also applies to conduct which consists in proposing to engage in, or doing anything preparatory or incidental to, conduct falling within paragraph (2) or (3).

(5) This Article does not apply to an act or statement comprised in conduct falling within paragraph (2). (3) or (4) if it is shown that the act or statement is one in respect of which individuals would be disciplined by the union irrespective of whether their acts or statements were in connection with conduct within paragraph (2) or (3).

(6) An individual is not unjustifiably disciplined if it is shown—

(a)that the reason for disciplining him, or one of them, is that he made such an assertion as is mentioned in paragraph (2)(c), or encouraged or assisted another person to make or attempt to vindicate such an assertion,

(b)that the assertion was false, and

(c)that he made the assertion, or encouraged or assisted another person to make or attempt to vindicate it, in the belief that it was false or otherwise in bad faith, and that there was no other reason for disciplining him or that the only other reasons were reasons in respect of which he does not fall to be treated as unjustifiably disciplined.

(7) In this Article—

  • “contract of employment”, in relation to an individual, includes any agreement between that individual and a person for whom he works or normally works, “employer” includes such a person and related expressions shall be construed accordingly;

  • “representative”, in relation to a union, means a person acting or purporting to act—


    in his capacity as a member of the union, or


    on the instructions or advice of a person acting or purporting to act in that capacity or in the capacity of an official of the union;

  • “require” (on the part of an individual) includes request or apply for, and “requisition” shall be construed accordingly;

  • “wages” shall be construed in accordance with the definitions of

  • “contract of employment”, “employer” and related expressions.

(8) Where a person holds any office or employment under the Crown on terms which do not constitute a contract of employment between him and the Crown, those terms shall nevertheless be deemed to constitute such a contract for the purposes of this Article.