The Airports (Northern Ireland) Order 1994

Compensation for disturbance

2.  Where any person is disturbed in the enjoyment of any property in consequence of—

(a)the exercise by a person authorised by an airport operator of a power of entry conferred by Article 4 or in the making of any survey for the purpose of which that power is exercised;

(b)the exercise of a power or right conferred by an order made under Article 7 in relation to an airport;

(c)the exercise of a power or right conferred, in pursuance of Article 8(4)(b), by an order made under Article 8 in relation to an airport;

(d)the exercise of a power or right conferred by an order made under Article 9 in relation to an airport,

the airport operator shall pay such compensation as may be just in respect of that disturbance.