The Criminal Justice (Northern Ireland) Order 1994

Fines on summary conviction for offences punishable on indictment or on summary conviction under instruments

6.—(1) For any offence punishable on conviction on indictment or on summary conviction being an offence created by an instrument made before the coming into operation of this Article under any relevant provision, the maximum fine which may be imposed on summary conviction shall by virtue of this paragraph be the statutory maximum unless the offence is one for which by virtue of the instrument a larger maximum fine may be imposed on summary conviction.

(2) Where apart from this Article the maximum fine would be one amount in the case of a first conviction and a different amount in the case of a second or subsequent conviction, paragraph (1) shall apply irrespective of whether the conviction is a first, second or subsequent one.

(3) Paragraph (1) shall not affect so much of any instrument as (in whatever words) makes a person liable on summary conviction to a fine of a specified amount or to a fine not exceeding a specified amount for each period of a specified length during which a continuing offence is continued.

(4) Where there is under any relevant provision (however framed or worded) passed or made before the coming into operation of this Article a power by instrument to impose penal provisions, being a power which allows the creation of offences punishable on conviction on indictment or on summary conviction, the maximum fine which may in the exercise of that power be authorised on summary conviction in respect of such an offence shall by virtue of this paragraph be the statutory maximum unless some larger maximum fine can be authorised on summary conviction of such an offence by virtue of a relevant provision passed or made before the coming into operation of this Article.

(5) Where there is under any relevant provision (however framed or worded) passed or made before the coming into operation of this Article a power by instrument to create offences punishable on conviction on indictment or on summary conviction, the maximum fine for such an offence so created may be expressed as a fine not exceeding the statutory maximum.

(6) Paragraph (5) has effect in relation to exercises of powers before as well as after the coming into operation of this Article.

(7) An Order in Council under—

(a)section 1(3) of the Northern Ireland (Temporary Provisions) Act 1972(1); or

(b)Schedule 1 to the Northern Ireland Act 1974(2) (including this Order);

is not an instrument for the purposes of this Article.