
Article 5.



SCHEDULE of supplementary sums granted, and of increases or decreases of the sums which may be applied as appropriations in aid in addition thereto, to defray the charges of the several services herein particularly mentioned, which will come in course of payment during the year ending on 31st March 1993 viz:—

Sums GrantedAppropriations in Aid
1. For expenditure by the Department of Agriculture on market support, grants for capital and other improvements, certain alternative land use, support for agriculture in special areas, assistance to production, marketing and processing, and assistance for the fishing industry.1,000
2. For expenditure by the Department of Agriculture on agricultural, scientific and veterinary services, drainage, fisheries and forestry services, regional measures of agricultural and fisheries support, payments to voluntary bodies engaged on specific rural development activities and departmental administration.1,000325,000
1. For expenditure by the Department of Economic Development on the administrative cost of the Executive of the Industrial Development Board, provision and maintenance of land and buildings, industrial development promotion, selective assistance and other services related to industry, and aircraft and shipbuilding.1,000
2. For expenditure by the Department of Economic Development on the Local Enterprise Development Unit, other enterprise initiatives, the Industrial Research and Technology Unit, labour market services, development of tourism, energy efficiency, assistance to the gas and electricity industries, mineral exploration and other miscellaneous services, administration cost of the Department of Economic Development headquarters, and other miscellaneous services.1,000295,000
3. For expenditure by the Department of Economic Development on the Training and Employment Agency for administrative costs, youth training, training in skills, management and enterprise, community projects, training to improve company competitiveness and employment schemes and services as well as training and employment services for people with disabilities.1,000
4. For expenditure by the Department of Economic Development in connection with privatisation of the electricity industry in Northern Ireland.1,000353,064,000
1. For expenditure by the Department of the Environment on roads and certain associated services including lighting, parking and ferry services, road safety, the Driver and Vehicle Testing Agency, transport services and harbour services.1,0001,559,000
2. For expenditure by the Department of the Environment on housing services, including certain grants in aid.14,388,0003,054,000
3. For expenditure by the Department of the Environment on water, sewerage and related services.1,0004,099,000
4. For expenditure by the Department of the Environment on the environment service, urban affairs and lands, planning, administration and miscellaneous services, the Rate Collection Agency, the Ordnance Survey Agency, Consolidated Fund contributions to local revenues and certain grants in aid.1,000141,000
5. For expenditure by the Department of the Environment on certain public building work, accommodation and certain other services.1,00045,000
6. For expenditure by the Department of the Environment on fire and other protective services.125,000
1. For expenditure by the Department of Education on schools, further education, libraries and certain miscellaneous services (including some minor grants in aid); on grants and grants in aid to education and library boards for certain services; and payments by the Department on behalf of the boards in respect of teachers' salaries.7,040,000860,000
2. For expenditure by the Department of Education on higher education, teacher training, arts, museums, youth, sport, community services, Armagh Observatory and Planetarium, and administration, including grants in aid, and grants to education and library boards for mandatory student awards.1,783,00057,000
1. For expenditure by the Department of Health and Social Services on health and personal social services, family health services and certain other services.13,247,0004,414,000
3. For expenditure by the Department of Health and Social Services on administration, on agency charges, and on certain other services including grants to the Northern Ireland Housing Executive for the administration costs of the Housing Benefit and Transitional Payment Schemes and the payment of housing benefit (rent rebate, rent allowance and rate rebate), the administration of agency services for the Department of Social Security and for the provision, including purchase, of accommodation and related works and other accommodation services and costs; on miscellaneous health and personal social services; on a grant to the Independent Living Fund and on transitional payments to help certain housing benefit claimants significantly affected by the change to the housing benefit scheme and to certain supplementary benefit claimants not entitled to benefit under the income support scheme and to certain hostels affected by changes in income support; for sums payable into the Social Fund for expenditure on community care grants, budgeting loans, crisis loans, maternity payments, funeral payments and cold weather payments and for sums payable to the Northern Ireland National Insurance Fund in respect of statutory sick and statutory maternity pay.3,039,0007,245,000
4. For expenditure by the Department of Health and Social Services on non-contributory retirement pensions, Christmas bonus payments to pensioners, attendance allowance, invalid care allowance, severe disablement allowance, mobility allowance, industrial injuries benefits, disability living allowance, disability working allowance, income support, child benefit, one parent benefit and family credit.40,395,00048,000
1. For expenditure by the Department of Finance and Personnel on financial administration, central management of the Civil Service, involvement in wider public sector personnel issues, valuation and other services including certain miscellaneous expenses and grants in aid, and computer and other common services.1,000
2. For expenditure by the Department of Finance and Personnel on pensions, lump sums and gratuities to former civil servants, pensions to widows, widowers, children and dependants and civil pensions and gratuities.1,0001,500,000
TOTAL £80,029,000374,205,0002,501,000


SCHEDULE of sums granted on account of or towards defraying the charges of the several services for which Sums on Account are required for the year ending on 31st March 1994 viz:—

Sums Granted on Account
1. For expenditure by the Department of Agriculture on market support, grants for capital and other improvements, certain alternative land use, support for agriculture in special areas, assistance to production, marketing and processing and assistance for the fishing industry.14,720,000
2. For expenditure by the Department of Agriculture on agricultural, scientific and veterinary services, drainage, fisheries and forestry services, regional measures of agricultural and fisheries support, payments to voluntary bodies engaged on specific rural development activities and departmental administration.53,697,000
1. For expenditure by the Department of Economic Development on the administrative cost of the Executive of the Industrial Development Board, provision and maintenance of land and buildings, industrial development promotion, selective assistance and other services related to industry, and aircraft and shipbuilding.66,829,000
2. For expenditure by the Department of Economic Development on the Local Enterprise Development Unit, other enterprise initiatives, the Industrial Research and Technology Unit, labour market services, development of tourism, energy efficiency, assistance to the gas and electricity industries, mineral exploration and other miscellaneous services, administration cost of the Department of Economic Development headquarters and other miscellaneous services.39,781,000
3. For expenditure by the Department of Economic Development on the Training and Employment Agency for administrative costs, youth training, training in skills, management and enterprise, community projects, training to improve company competitiveness and employment schemes and services as well as training and employment services for people with disabilities.84,787,000
4. For expenditure by the Department of Economic Development in connection with the privatisation of the electricity industry in Northern Ireland.
1. For expenditure by the Office of Electricity Regulation Northern Ireland.360,000
1. For expenditure by the Department of the Environment on roads and certain associated services including lighting, parking and ferry services, road safety, the Driver and Vehicle Testing Agency, the Driver and Vehicle Licensing Agency, transport services and harbour services.76,192,000
2. For expenditure by the Department of the Environment on housing services, including certain grants in aid.90,465,000
3. For expenditure by the Department of the Environment on water, sewerage and related services.10,000,000
4. For expenditure by the Department of the Environment on the environment service, urban affairs and lands, planning, administration and miscellaneous services, the Rate Collection Agency, the Ordnance Survey Agency, Consolidated Fund contributions to local revenues and certain grants in aid.59,613,000
5. For expenditure by the Department of the Environment on certain public building work, accommodation and certain other services.23,603,000
6. For expenditure by the Department of the Environment on fire and other protective services.16,873,000
1. For expenditure by the Department of Education on schools, further education, libraries and certain miscellaneous services (including some minor grants in aid); on grants and grants in aid to education and library boards for certain services; and payments by the Department on behalf of the boards in respect of teachers' salaries.423,552,000
2. For expenditure by the Department of Education on higher education, teacher training, arts, museums, youth, sport, community services, Armagh Observatory and Planetarium, and administration, including grants in aid and grants to education and library boards for mandatory student awards.120,555,000
3. For expenditure by the Department of Education on pensions, allowances, gratuities etc., certain payments to the Northern Ireland National Insurance Fund and payments on behalf of the education and library boards in respect of premature retirement compensation.5,879,000
1. For expenditure by the Department of Health and Social Services on hospital services, community health services, personal social services, HSS Trusts, family health services and certain other services.503,450,000
2. For expenditure by the Department of Health and Social Services on superannuation benefits etc. to or in respect of persons engaged in the health and personal social services or in other approved employment.7,240,000
3. For expenditure by the Department of Health and Social Services on administration, on agency charges, and on certain other services including grants to the Northern Ireland Housing Executive for the administration costs of the Housing Benefit and Transitional Payment Schemes; on the administration of agency services for the Department of Social Security and for the provision, including purchase, of accommodation and related works and other accommodation services and costs and on centrally financed miscellaneous health and personal social services.60,182,000
4. For expenditure by the Department of Health and Social Services on non-contributory retirement pensions, Christmas bonus payments to pensioners, attendance allowance, invalid care allowance, severe disablement allowance, industrial injuries benefits, disability living allowance, disability working allowance, income support, residual supplementary benefit, child benefit, one-parent benefit and family credit.478,127,000
5. For expenditure by the Department of Health and Social Services on a grant to the Independent Living Foundation, a grant to the Northern Ireland Housing Executive for the payment of housing benefit (rent rebate, rent allowance and rate rebate), transitional payments to help certain housing benefit claimants significantly affected by the change to the housing benefit scheme and to certain supplementay benefit claimants not entitled to benefit under the income support scheme, for sums payable into the Social Fund for expenditure on community care grants, budgeting and crisis loans, matenity payments, funeral payments and cold weather payments and for sums payable to the Northern Ireland National Insurance Fund to increase its income and as compensation payments in respect of statutory sick and statutory maternity pay.202,579,000
1. For expenditure by the Department of Finance and Personnel on financial administration, central management of the Civil Service, involvement in wider public sector personnel issues, valuation and other services including certain miscellaneous expenses and grants in aid, and computer and other common services.16,565,000
2. For expenditure by the Department of Finance and Personnel on pensions, lump sums and gratuities to former civil servants, pensions to widows, widowers, children and dependants and civil pensions and gratuities.16,561,000
3. For expenditure by the Department of Finance and Personnel on community relations, cultural traditions, district council programmes and the Northern Ireland Community Relations Council.1,913,000
1. For expenditure of the Northern Ireland Assembly.124,000
1. For expenditure of the Northern Ireland Audit Office.1,747,000
1. For expenditure by the Northern Ireland Parliamentary Commissioner for Administration and the Northern Ireland Commissioner for Complaints.216,000
TOTAL £2,375,610,000