The Registration (Land and Deeds) (Northern Ireland) Order 1992

5.—(1) In Article 3(6) of the Property (Discharge of Mortgage by Receipt) (Northern Ireland) Order 1983 for “and attested in accordance with section 2 of the Registration of Deeds Act (Northern Ireland) 1970” substitute “and, except where the mortgagee is a body corporate, attested by two witnesses whose names and addresses and occupations or descriptions are subscribed to the receipt or attested by one witness who is a solicitor and whose name, address and description as a solicitor are subscribed to the receipt”.

(2) In the Schedule to that Order, after “our” insert “[or my]”, after “witnesses” insert “or witness” and after “witnesses” insert “or address and description as a solicitor of witness”.

(3) This paragraph applies only to receipts executed after the commencement of the paragraph.