The Industrial Relations (Northern Ireland) Order 1992

Interpretation of Part II

38.  In this Part—

(a)“members' superannuation scheme” means any scheme or arrangement made by or on behalf of a trade union or employers' association (including any scheme or arrangement shown in the rules of a trade union or employers' association) in so far as it provides for benefits to be paid by way of pension (including any widows' or children’s pensions or dependants' pensions) to or in respect of members or former members of the trade union or employers' association and to be so paid either out of the funds (whether the general funds or any other fund) of the trade union or employers' association or under any insurance scheme maintained out of those funds;

(b)“appropriately qualified actuary”, in relation to a trade union or employers' association, means a person who is either a Fellow of the Institute of Actuaries or a Fellow of the Faculty of Actuaries or is approved by the Certification Officer on the application of the trade union or employers' association as a person having actuarial knowledge; and

(c)“separate fund” means a fund separate from the general funds of the trade union or employers' association.