

Crown employees and contracts, etc.

Crown employees and contracts, etc.

105.—(1) Where any person holds any office or employment under the Crown on terms which do not constitute a contract of employment between that person and the Crown, those terms shall nevertheless be deemed to constitute such a contract for the purposes of—

(a)the law relating to the liability in tort of any person who commits an act which—

(i)induces another person to break any contract, interferes with the performance of any contract or induces any other person to interfere with the performance of any contract; or

(ii)consists in a threat that a contract will be broken or its performance interfered with or that any person will be induced to break a contract or to interfere with its performance; and

(b)any statutory provision (including a provision of this Order) which refers, whether in relation to contracts generally or only in relation to contracts of employment, to any such act.

(2) Articles 27 and 28 shall bind the Crown.

(3) Articles 38, 39, 40, 41 and 65 (except paragraph (5)) and Part XI shall have effect in relation to Crown employment and to persons in Crown employment as they have effect in relation to other employment and to other employees.

(4) Paragraphs (2) to (5) of Article 62 of the Industrial Relations (No. 2) (Northern Ireland) Order 1976(1) shall apply in relation to paragraph (3) as if that paragraph were contained in paragraph (1) of the said Article 62.