The Tourism (Northern Ireland) Order 1992

Power of district councils to advertise and promote tourism within its district

32.—(1) A district council may, either alone or in combination with any other body (including the Board)—

(a)advertise, or otherwise publicise, the advantages and amenities as a holiday, pleasure or health resort of the district of the council or any part thereof;

(b)organise or arrange entertainments or other activities which in the opinion of the council would promote or encourage the development of tourism in the district of the council or encourage persons residing elsewhere to visit within that district;

(c)assist any body or person organising or arranging such entertainments or other activities;

(d)provide advisory and information services in relation to tourist amenities and tourist accommodation within its district.

(2) A district council shall consult with the Board before exercising any powers conferred by this Article unless those powers are to be exercised in combination with the Board.