

Provision by district councils of tourist amenities

30.—(1) A district council may, after consultation with the Board, provide or assist any other body or person in the provision of any tourist amenity.

(2) A district council may acquire land otherwise than by agreement for the purposes of this Article.

(3) Where any tourist amenity is provided by a district council under this Article, it shall have power—

(a)generally to maintain the tourist amenity and any land on which it is provided and any ancillary amenities or facilities provided under sub-paragraph (b);

(b)to carry out such ancillary works and provide such ancillary amenities, facilities or services as are in the opinion of the council necessary or desirable for the better use and enjoyment of the tourist amenity, including (without prejudice to the foregoing) the power—

(i)to lay out and construct entrances, roads and footpaths and to erect walls and fences;

(ii)to provide sanitary and toilet facilities, shelters, seating, receptacles for litter and information signs;

(iii)to improve the appearance of the area in which the tourist amenity is provided by planting trees, shrubs or flowers or by laying out any part of the area as a garden or pleasure ground;

(c)to make byelaws for the purpose of regulating the use of the tourist amenity and preserving order within the area of the tourist amenity;

(d)to make such charges as it thinks fit in respect of the tourist amenity, including charges for admission to or the use of the amenity.