The Electricity (Northern Ireland) Order 1992

Special provisions as to consents under Article 40

2.—(1) Where an application for consent under Article 40 states that all wayleaves have not been agreed with owners and occupiers of land proposed to be crossed by the electric line, the Department may—

(a)give notice to the applicant that the Department does not intend to proceed with the application until the Department is satisfied, with respect to all the land over which wayleaves have not been agreed, that the applicant has applied to the Department for consent under paragraph 10 (acquisition of wayleaves) of Schedule 4; or

(b)grant consent subject to the condition (either in respect of the whole of the line or in respect of any part of it specified in the consent) that the work is not to proceed until the Department has given permission.

(2) In determining at any time whether to give permission for any work to proceed, either generally or in respect of any part of the line, the Department—

(a)shall have regard to the extent to which the wayleaves have been agreed by that time; and

(b)in so far as any such wayleaves have not then been agreed in respect of any part of the line, shall take into account any prejudicial effect which, in the opinion of the Department, the giving of permission (whether in respect of that part or of any adjacent part of the line) might have on any subsequent proceedings relating to the outstanding wayleaves.