The Electricity (Northern Ireland) Order 1992

Provisions with respect to the consumer committee

General duty of the consumer committee to advise Director, etc.

54.  It shall be the duty of the consumer committee—

(a)to make representations to and consult with each public electricity supplier about all such matters as appear to the committee to affect the interests of customers or potential customers of that supplier;

(b)to keep under review matters affecting the interests of consumers of electricity supplied to premises; and

(c)to advise the Director on any matter relating to the supply of electricity on which the committee considers it should offer advice or which is referred to the committee by the Director.

Periodical and other reports of the consumer committee

55.—(1) The consumer committee—

(a)shall make a report to the Director on any such matter as he may require; and

(b)may make a report to the Director concerning any matter which appears to the committee to affect the interests of customers or potential customers of public electricity suppliers.

(2) The consumer committee shall at least once in every year, and whenever directed to do so by the Director, make a report to him on its activities; and every such report shall include a statement of the matters on which, during the period to which it relates, the committee has advised the Director under Article 54.

(3) The Director may arrange for a report made to him under this Article to be published in such manner as he considers appropriate.

(4) In publishing any report under this Article the Director shall have regard to the need for excluding, so far as that is practicable, the matters specified in Article 45(5)(a) and (b).