The Housing (Northern Ireland) Order 1992

Power to require execution of works to render premises fit for number of occupants

80.—(1) Subject to Article 82, the Executive may serve a notice under this Article where, in the opinion of the Executive, a house in multiple occupation fails to meet one or more of the requirements in sub-paragraphs (a) to (e) of paragraph (2) and, having regard to the number of individuals or households or both for the time being accommodated on the premises, by reason of that failure the premises are not reasonably suitable for occupation by those individuals or households.

(2) The requirements in respect of a house in multiple occupation referred to in paragraph (1) are the following, that is to say,—

(a)there are satisfactory facilities for the storage, preparation and cooking of food including an adequate number of sinks with a satisfactory supply of hot and cold water;

(b)it has an adequate number of suitably located water-closets for the exclusive use of the occupants;

(c)it has, for the exclusive use of the occupants, an adequate number of suitably located fixed baths or showers and wash-hand basins each of which is provided with a satisfactory supply of hot and cold water;

(d)subject to Article 82, there are adequate means of escape from fire; and

(e)there are adequate other fire precautions.

(3) The Executive may serve a notice specifying the works which, in the opinion of the Executive, are required for rendering the house reasonably suitable for such occupation as aforesaid, and requiring the person on whom the notice is served to execute those works; but the notice shall not specify any works to any premises outside the house.

(4) If the Executive is satisfied that, after the service of the notice, the number of individuals or households living on the premises has been reduced to a level which will make the work specified in the notice unnecessary, and that, either in consequence of its exercise of the powers conferred by this Part to limit the number of persons living on the premises or otherwise, that number will be maintained at or below that level, it may notify in writing the person on whom the notice was served of the withdrawal of the notice, but the withdrawal of the notice shall be without prejudice to the issue of a further notice.

(5) A notice under this Article shall require the execution of the works as follows, namely—

(a)to begin those works not later than such reasonable date, being not earlier than the twenty-first day after the date of service of the notice, as is specified in the notice; and

(b)to complete those works within such reasonable period as is so specified.

(6) Where the Executive serves a notice on any person under this Article, it shall inform every other person on whom a notice under paragraph (1) may be served of the fact that such a notice has been served.

(7) Paragraph (2) of Article 76 shall apply in relation to the service of a notice under this Article as it applies to the service of a notice under that Article.