The Cinemas (Northern Ireland) Order 1991

Exhibitions in private dwel ling-housesN.I.

7.—(1) This Article applies to any film exhibition which—

(a)is given in a private dwelling-house,

(b)is one to which the public are not admitted, and

(c)satisfies the condition mentioned in paragraph (2).

(2) The condition referred to in paragraph (1)(c) is that either—

(a)the exhibition is not promoted for private gain, or

(b)the sole or main purpose of the exhibition is to demonstrate any product, to advertise any goods or services or to provide information, education or instruction.

(3) The following exemptions have effect in relation to any film exhibition to which this Article applies, that is to say—

(a)a licence shall not be required by reason only of the giving of the exhibition;

(b)where the exhibition is given in premises in respect of which a licence is in force, no condition or restriction on o r subject to which the licence was granted shall apply to the exhibition;

(c)regulations under Article 6 shall not apply to the exhibition.