The Criminal Justice (Confiscation)(Northern Ireland) Order 1990

Assisting another to retain the benefit of drug trafficking

29.—(1) Subject to paragraph (3), if a person enters into or is otherwise concerned in an arrangement whereby—

(a)the retention or control by or on behalf of another (call him “A”) of A’s proceeds of drug trafficking is facilitated (whether by concealment, removal from the jurisdiction, transfer to nominees or otherwise), or

(b)A’s proceeds of drug trafficking—

(i)are used to secure that funds are placed at A’s disposal, or

(ii)are used for A’s benefit to acquire property by way of investment, knowing or suspecting that A is a person who carries on or has carried on drug trafficking or has benefited from drug trafficking, he is guilty of an offence.

(2) In this Article references to any person’s proceeds of drug trafficking include a reference to any property which in whole or in part directly or indirectly represented in his hands his proceeds of drug trafficking.

(3) Where a person discloses to a constable a suspicion or belief that any funds or investments are derived from or used in connection with drug trafficking or any matter on which such a suspicion or belief is based, if he does any act in contravention of paragraph (1) and the disclosure relates to the arrangement concerned, he does not commit an offence under this Article if the disclosure is made—

(a)before he does the act concerned, being an act done with the consent of the constable, or

(b)after he does the act, but the disclosure is made on his initiative and as soon as it is reasonable for him to make it.

(4) In proceedings against a person for an offence under this Article, it is a defence to prove—

(a)that he did not know or suspect that the arrangement related to any person’s proceeds of drug trafficking, or

(b)that he did not know or suspect that by the arrangement the retention or control by or on behalf of A of any property was facilitated or, as the case may be, that by the arrangement any property was used as mentioned in paragraph (1), or


(i)he intended to disclose to a constable such a suspicion, belief or matter as is mentioned in paragraph (3) in relation to the arrangement, but

(ii)there is reasonable excuse for his failure to make disclosure in accordance with paragraph (3).

(5) A person guilty of an offence under this Article shall be liable—

(a)on conviction on indictment, to imprisonment for a term not exceeding 14 years or to a fine or to both, and

(b)on summary conviction, to imprisonment for a term not exceeding 6 months or to a fine not exceeding the statutory maximum or to both.