Criminal Injuries (Compensation) (Northern Ireland) Order 1988

Effect of death on certain claims for compensation

11.—(1) Where the victim of a criminal injury dies otherwise than as a result of the injury—

(a)any compensation or balance of compensation to which he was entitled immediately prior to his death shall cease to be payable; and

(b)so much of Article 5(4)(b) and (5)(a) as requires a notice to be served or an application made within a specified time shall not apply to an application made by virtue of Article 3(4), but any such application shall be made within 3 months from the date of the victim’s death unless there was good cause for not making the application within that period.

(2) Where the victim of a criminal injury dies as a result of the injury, any compensation or balance of compensation to which he was entitled immediately prior to his death in respect of the matter mentioned in Article 3(2)(a)(iv) shall cease to be payable.

(3) Where a person dies, any compensation or balance of compensation to which he was entitled immediately prior to his death in respect of the matter mentioned in Article 3(3)(b) shall cease to be payable.